Words to live by: Make today your best day ever!

Make today your best day ever!

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Just One Wheel After the Other...

I run across a zillion really good, appropriate quotes that put into context my personality and drive. One of my favorites:

"A pessimist sees difficulty in every opportunity; an optimist sees opportunity in every difficulty."
- Sir Winston Churchill

I'm an optimist, perhaps in combination with a realist, and a little masochist. I don't mind a little pain as long as what's gained from it outweighs the hurt. Every time I head out for a hike, to summit North Peak or Mission Peak - again - I know the end of the day is going to find me staring into space after hours of trying to find my limit. And there'll always be a smile.

So far, so good. Limits are sometimes temporary, when common sense tells me that today might not have been the best day for a given trail (or trial, as the case may be). No worries. I'll try again tomorrow. No analysis or self criticism necessary. I'll keep trying until it gets done, or I determine that the pain has finally outweighed the value of the journey.

Now, that doesn't happen too often. I don't like losing, especially to a mountain or long trail. After all, they're usually static, right? It's a matter of pushing each wheel, and if the chair moves forward you'll eventually get there.

Maybe you've sensed that I'm getting to something. Although my experiences are just as slow and perhaps grueling as painted, I propose they are also metaphors to which each of us can relate. There's much value in getting there on our own path, in our own way, however we wish to take the journey. There may be triumphs and setbacks, achievements and failures, elation or frustration. What matters is the story is yours. Each day we have the opportunity to do wonders, or not; to test limits, or not; to participate in our own stories......or not.

For me, the story is written with stark simplicity - it's one wheel after the other. Every day I have to wonder - where will each push lead me? Yet off I go, one more chapter provided, the story's end well down the road. May you take full advantage of yours. Each of us has a Steinbeck, a Keats, a Poe within us, whether we transcribe our stories to page or not. I hope that yours leaves you with a smile on your face and light glowing in your heart. To life!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Bob. I like the Steinbeck/Keats/Poe line a lot.

